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NeoInnovate Collaborative Consortium

We serve mothers and babies through research, collaboration, and innovation


A Global Challenge

2.6 million babies die during their first month of life (the newborn or neonatal period) worldwide, and 2.6 million babies are stillborn. The main 3 causes of newborn deaths are complications during childbirth (primarily failure to breathe at birth), infections, and complications from prematurity. Two-thirds of these deaths could be prevented by increasing coverage of several evidence-based, cost-effective, low-tech interventions. Low/middle-income countries bear a disproportionate burden in the number of mothers and babies who die each year. The great tragedy is that most of these deaths are almost completely preventable.

What is our mission?

mHBS powered by DHIS2

Mobile applications to support education, training, data collection, decision support, and quality improvement for the implementation of evidence-based newborn care curricula in low/middle-income countries.


NeoSMART is a wearable biomedical device to facilitate uptake of, and compliance to, skin-to-skin care, and prevent hypothermia, among low birth weight and premature babies.


Through NeoLinkID, we are building and testing various solutions by which to help parents more easily register their children at or around the time of birth, access self-sovereign identity tools, and have access to portable, linked, privacy-secured mother-baby health records.

The NeoInnovate Collaborative Consortium is a multi-disciplinary international coalition of Faculty, students,  post-graduate trainees, and external collaborators.  Our digital health, biomedical device, and implementation science solutions equip healthcare workers around the world with the education, training, and tools they need to save mothers and babies.

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